Contact me or
book a session
If you’d like to book a 1 to 1 program, or attend a Full Moon Women’s Circle, please use these contact details to get in touch with me and make your booking.
+44 7901 670 563
Individual sessions
A one to one session is really tailored to your specific needs so it is really well suited if you have a specific concern you would like to work on. The sessions will be unique to you. They can be very useful to prepare for a particular event or in a therapeutic context.
Most work require at least 3 to 5 sessions and 10 to 20 minutes daily practice to see a real improvement.
Sophrology and EFT
£80 / 1h session
£360 / 5 sessions – Equip yourself for Life
Matrix Reimprinting
£99 / 1h30 session
£450 / 5 sessions – Freeyourself from limiting beliefs
Empower Yourself Combo
£720 / 9 individual sessions
EFT + Sophro + Matrix
Workshops and Group programs
Group sessions would suit someone who wants to create the time and space to listen in, explore and realign their energy in a friendly and supportive environment. A group offers the opportunity to share different experiences and to benefit from its supportive energy.
Circle of the 13 Moons
£27 / circle (£22 for early birds)
Travel through the chakras workshop
Contact me
Vibrant Women Ignitor Program
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