Problems linked with confidence
stress like preparation for an event (exam, sport, speech…)
stress like preparation for an event (exam, sport, speech…)
The list is endless and as its creator Gary Craig himself would say…
“Try it on everything.”
The Matrix Reimprinting technique is a highly advanced version of EFT created by EFT Master Karl Dawson based on modern theories of quantum physics. (“Matrix” of energy Max Planck in 1944 then more recently “The Field” Lynne Mc Taggart, “Divine Matrix” Greg Braden and “Morphic Field” Rupert Sheldrake)
The Matrix Reimprinting technique is a powerful means to release what has happened in the past and the core beliefs linked to them by allowing you to interact with yourself in past situations and create new and supportive pictures and ‘memories’ for your life.
It is the negative pictures around past memories that cause you stress and disease in the present. When you change the pictures in the field you experience an unparalleled difference to your health and well-being in the present moment.
Matrix Reimprinting is an amazing quick and effective tool.