Free yourself from limiting beliefs


Equipped with your natural inner resources, I invite you to step deeper into your magic, meet your inner wisdom and transform your limiting beliefs into powerful roots/foundations for the manifestation of your vision and projects.

This program is for you if

  1. Fed up of feeling trapped in patterns that you don’t know how to get out of
  2. Eager to create change but don’t know how
  3. Ready to face your fears and shadows
  4. Not afraid of going deep and want to go to the root of what is holding you back
  5. Ready to manifest your dreams into this life
  6. Have enough of playing small

In this program you will find

5 individual sessions (1h30 each)

A safe and nurturing space to connect deeply to your body and your subconscious, go at the root event of your limiting belief to bring resolution, change the energy and imprint a new positive belief in a gentle manner.

Recordings of the sessions

Recordings of the sessions to be able to revisit what has been reimprinted to anchor it deeper into the subconscious.

Laetitia Dehauteur – Sophrologist, EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner

Life and Inner world explorer

Hi, I'm Laetitia

With a lifelong passion for the performing arts, I had been exploring the body as a source of liberation for some time when I came across Sophrology in my 20's.

I was amazed by what I discovered…. A fascinating, vibrant interior world, and practical resources for transforming into a more balanced and anchored self.

My greatest desire is for all women to feel this sense of freedom, peace, and deep inner support.

Boost your energy

Use EFT to stay confident through life’s challenges.

Find inner peace

Rediscover joy, self-love, and serenity.

Embrace yourself fully

Heal, grow, and reconnect with your power.

Awaken your spark

Let go of pain and reignite your life energy.

Access your inner magic!
Combine movement, breath, visualization, and tapping to connect body, mind, heart, and soul.



5 sessions (1h30 each)

Recording of each session

Self-study pack “EFT Surfing kit for turbulent times”
(4 EFT protocoles to support you in your daily practice)

“Happy family with Sophrology pack”
(5 videos of sophrology sessions and 5 recordings of the associated visualisation)