+44 7901 670 563
© Copyright 2025 – Laetitia Injoy
Discover all the gifts, talents and abilities of the feminine.
Connect to your nature, rhythms and inner wisdom.
Unfold your magic and bring more joy and harmony into your life.
The teaching of the 13 Original Clan Mothers has been passed on to a wider community by Jamie Sams and comes from a long ancestral lineage of oral tradition of Native Americans. The 13 Original Clan Mothers represent each of the 13 aspects, gifts and talents of the Feminine. Each new moon we are invited to walk with one Original Mother in order to draw from her teaching the keys of compassion, understanding, gentleness and love which invites us to listen to our true nature and embrace all our colours to make them vibrate high in the world.
It invites us to reconnect with the earth and weave our dreams together.
By speaking their truth, each participant is reminded of its own wisdom and strength, its own sacred presence to the world.
Participants leave the circles feeling lighter, calmer and enriched by each other’s deep presence, experiences and wisdom.
Life and Inner world explorer
Hi, I'm Laetitia
With a lifelong passion for the performing arts, I had been exploring the body as a source of liberation for some time when I came across Sophrology in my 20's.
I was amazed by what I discovered…. A fascinating, vibrant interior world, and practical resources for transforming into a more balanced and anchored self.
My greatest desire is for all women to feel this sense of freedom, peace, and deep inner support.