Do you want to ignite your passion your life?

Do you want the tools and confidence to create a life that ignites your spark? a life true to you?


  1. feeling TIRED and OVERWHELMED to rush every day to be on top of your to do list. There seems to never be enough time which means that you keep postponing the things and people you enjoy or just can’t to fit in any TO BE list
  2. fed up to be your last priority, TORN BETWEEN EVERYONE’S NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS which means that when asked what your dreams are you just don’t know what they are and what you really want
  3. feeling that SOMETHING IS MISSING although your life seems to be ticking all the boxes you thought you needed to be happy.
  4. feel STUCK: You have a vision, you want to create change, yet something is holding you back, like a wall of limiting beliefs and patterns which makes you want to give up


  1. You know who you are, what your gifts and talents are. You know what you want ; you have a clear vision and the confidence and focus to get it.
  2. you are full of energy as you know how to look after it through body/mind practices
  3. you now have the tools to turn every event in your life into an opportunity for growing. You trust life and trust yourself
  4. you are embracing your dreams and make them come true, you are the vibrant woman that you innately are and attract different people and events in your life. You inspire you community but most importantly your loved ones

Book your 30min consultation to define your intention

Using simple movements, visualisation and breathing practices from Sophrology, EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting techniques – I create a safe, empowering space to put women back at the centre of their world and activate what is alive in them.

I teach the methods I have discovered on my own path to the women I support – so they can use these valuable self help tools to thrive, support their own journey, and become free and empowered human beings.

So many women are swamped by a constant list of obligations, and impositions on our boundaries. We have been tricked into not trusting ourselves, and cast aside so much of our natural inner power.

Since learning how to use Sophrology, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting to reconnect with my own feminine life force – I now offer 1 to 1 programs and full moon circles to connect women with the powerful, nurturing, revitalising energy that lies inside them.

More About Me

In this program you will find

weekly course work to explore the 6 following pillar skills:

Integrate who you are

Glow your vision

Nurture your energy

Imprint new beliefs

Turn on your Feminine

Embody your truth – anchor your presence in the world

9 months of 1 weekly zoom call to practice and support you in the implementation of the 6 pilar skills

A space and time to reconnect and activate your inner resources

Sessions to explore what works for you and what your needs are to design your personalised selfcare routine to nurture your energy daily, stay focused and positive

Recordings of the Zoom Calls

Recordings of the sessions + recordings basic short visualisations for you to explore at home to see how to incorporate them in your daily life

+ 2 FREE Self Study Packs + cards

  • Self-study pack “EFT Surfing kit for turbulent times” (4 EFT protocoles to support you in your daily practice)
  • “Happy family with Sophrology pack” – 5 videos of sophrology sessions and 5 recordings of the associated visualisation
  • pdf cards of Sophrology Dynamic Relaxation exercises

Book your 30min consultation to define your intention

To learn more about EFT and Sophrology click on

About Eft Matrix

About Sophrology